Your Daily Horoscope for Friday August 6
March 21- April 19
It’s time to take what’s rightfully yours! However, you won’t need to behave like a gung-ho barracuda in order to get what you want. Charismatic stars are endowing you with motivation and optimism, while creating wonderful opportunities in your professional sector, making this the ideal time to approach superiors about promotions or implementing your ideas.
Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock
April 20-May 20
You’re one of the most reliable and capable signs. That’s not to say, however, that you are superhuman. Even though you can pull off an ambitious project it’s important to be realistic and not take on more than you can handle. You may even need to lower your expectations a tad and silence your inner critic. Also tune out negative comments.
May 21-June 21
Ruled by Mercury, the celestial chatterbox and brainiac, you’re a natural when it comes to talking to others. In fact, it’s part of your core being. During this climate though your traditional way of relating probably isn’t possible. With the stars encouraging you to reach and share you’ll be even more keen to express yourself. Thank goodness for digital connectivity!
June 22-July 22
Duties calls! You may need to put plans for a relaxing day with a certain, special company on hold for the weekend as people pull you from several directions - namely work, friends and family. The key to managing it all without losing your mind in the process is to regroup and prioritise.
July 23-August 22
Ruled by the dynamic sun, and a fire sign, you are one of the feistier signs of the zodiac. Today with the golden orb opposing restrictive Saturn you may be more prone to taking things personally. This could result in you snapping at someone for no good reason on being more aggressive than usual. Calm your farm and take a deep breath.
August 23-September 22
This is the perfect time to mix business with pleasure, virtually speaking. A work/social setting will be the perfect backdrop for networking and making valuable contacts. You may even find your future business partner or investor. Don’t be afraid to offer your business card or pick someone’s brain. A little schmoozing will go a long way and is bound to open doors.
September 23-October 22
Make the most of the last few days of communicative Mercury in your sector of friendship. If you’ve been meaning to clear the air with someone close, question their motives or confide a deep secret there’s no time like the present. This is also a unique time to reshuffle your priorities and think about what truly makes you smile.
October 23 â€" November 22
Mercury, the communicator of the zodiac who likes to talk a lot, is in your sector of career, image and status for just a few more days - make the most of it! This is the perfect time to share your inner most feelings with mentors, bosses and parental figures. If you are one of the more candid and open Scorpio this is the best time to just listen.
November 23-December 20
The stars are bringing out your courageous, confident and adventurous Saggie spirit, so you’ll feel ready to take on new challenges and push the envelope! Although you have bucket loads of energy just be aware of your tendency to spread yourself thin. Try to be discerning so that you don’t bite off more than you can chew.
December 21-January 19
Mercury, the cosmic communicator, is in your sector associated with windfalls and other people’s money for just a few more days. This is the ideal time to settle any debts, clarify terms and conditions, follow through with negotiations and tie up any sort of loose ends concerning third parties. It’s also a good time to bury bad psychological habits.
January 20-February 18
As a sociable person you tend to have a broad circle of friends and are constantly welcoming new people into the fold. Today, however, you just may realise that you could have been giving your energy to the wrong people. Weed out acquaintances from true friendships and pay more attention to those who matter.
February 19-March 20
An inconvenient truth may cause waves. Uncomfortable as it seems, facing reality will enable you to tear down old structures and make room for something fresh. This situation calls for honesty but also tact - don’t let the anticipation of off-loading frazzle you or you’ll come off as brash. Meanwhile, a contentious money matter will settle down.
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